frequently asked questions


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Click a button to be taken to relevant Frequently Asked Question Section. If the FAQ does not answer your questions, please click the contact us button.

This information is correct as of Summer 2024, however is subject to change.


Can my child play with friends?

We understand that there will be some preference from parents (and kids) to place friends together in teams, however please understand that we are not able to accept these requests. This is to ensure that children are placed in teams appropriate to their skill level.

My child is older than their peers due to starting school later. What does this mean for my child?

Generally where kids are older than their peers (this can occur due to starting school later), your child will not be able to play in a team with their peers, they will generally need to play in a team with in an older grade.

Note: There are circumstances where exemptions may apply, for example: learning delays or disabilities. Please contact the club if you need further clarification.

When are the basketball seasons?

There are generally two seasons each year – Summer (Term 1 and Term 4) and Winter (Term 2 & Term 3). Teams play weekly, although there are breaks throughout due to school holidays, public holidays and representative competition. There is also a break in between seasons.

Where and when are games played?


Games are usually held at Dromana College, Dromana Primary School, Rosebud Secondary College or Rosebud Primary School.

For ages U8 to U14, games are played on Saturdays.

For all ages above, games are played during the week.

When and where is training held?

Training is generally held once per week during the season.

Generally training is during the week before or after school hours.

The time for training depends upon the availability of your coach and the availability of a court to practice. This is generally discussed as a team.

Primary school teams generally train at Dromana Primary School.

High school teams generally train at Dromana College.

At what age can my child start playing?

The youngest teams we form are for prep children. These kids will play in the Under 8 competition. Please do not add your child to the register your interest list if your child has not yet started prep.

When are Beachcombers 'come and try' sessions held for Preps?

For players in Prep, we generally hold a ‘come and try’ session once a year in term 3. This is a good introduction for kids who haven’t played basketball before.

Please keep an eye on our socials and Dromana Primary School Newsletters & Compass.

When are Beachcombers 'come and try' sessions held for grades 1 to 6?

We hold a ‘come and try’ session for grades 1 to 6 in term 1 each year.

We welcome you to contact us if you are looking to join an existing team, or to start your own.

Who coaches the teams? Are team managers required?

Volunteers (usually a parent) are required to coach a team that is formed. You will need to be available for training once per week, and for coaching games.

A volunteer will also be required to act in the role as team manager. The main responsibility of a team manager is to act as the contact person between the club and your team, and to collect/pay game fees.

Coaches and Team Managers require a valid Working With Children’s Check (WWCC).

I have 'registered interest to play' on this website, what happens next?

At times, a new team can only be formed once there are sufficient players to do so.

Where there are no places available, we will register your interest until such a time a position may become available.

Please be aware that sometimes this can take a long time, but we do our best in promoting the club to create new teams. We encourage parents talking to the other parents when you register your child’s interest to play.

Do you form high school teams too?

Yes we do.

We are looking to increase our high school participation and will be looking at how we can do this going forward. If you are looking to form a team, please contact the club.

What is Aussie Hoops?

The Southern Peninsula Basketball Association also host the “Aussie Hoops” program, which is a development program for 5-10 year olds.

It is all about learning to play basketball in a fun and safe environment.

More information on the Aussie Hoops program can be found here:

As a parent/caregiver, who should I contact with my questions?

We request that parents, team managers and coaches follow the this communication structure with the club and the SPBA.

Step by step:

Step 1: Player/Parent should first contact team manager or coach.
Step 2: Team Manager/Coach should contact club committee in first instance (not the SBPA).
Step 3: Club Committee will contact Southern Peninsula Basketball Association (SPBA)

Are there modified rules for junior competition?

Yes. There are modifications to playing rules up until U16s. Some of these changes might include, smaller basketballs, lower rings, reduced enforcement of violations (such cross court/seconds in the key), free throw shots from closer to the ring, and a mercy rule.

These rules are constantly being monitored by the SPBA and regularly discussed with clubs. Up to date information can be found in the domestic competition rules (by laws) available on the SPBA website.


All costs are subject to change, please use this as a guide only.

What is the cost of player registration?

Southern Peninsula Basketball Association registration fees are approximately $50 (plus transaction fees) for juniors and approximately $60 for senior players. This is per player, per season, for early bird pricing.

Registration includes “Glory League” access.

Note: This goes up by $10 after early bird registration closes.

How much are weekly game fees?

Southern Peninsula Basketball Association game fees are approximately $76 per team. The cost per player will depend on the number of players playing.

Is there a fee payable to Beachcombers?

A club fee of approximately $5.20 per player per season (including transaction fees). This fee is utilised for club costs such as printing, marketing, buying equipment when required etc.

Are there any other playing costs?

Basketball Victoria charge an a registration fee once per year, which covers insurance and admin costs, and is about $29 for juniors and $43 for senior players.

Basketball Australia charge a “Basketball Australia Game Development” levy of $5.50 per player each year.

What are the forfeit costs?

The cost of a forfeit depends on when the forfeit is notified.

  • $70 for notified forfeit (2 business days notice provided).
  • $140 for an non notified forfeit (less than 2 business days or failure to show up at game).

These amounts are reflective of the expenses that are still incurred by the association, depending upon when the notification is provided.

Teams must pay their forfeit fee before the commencement of their next game to be allowed to take to the court.


All costs are subject to change, please use this as a guide only.

What is the cost of a new uniform?

The cost is approximately $65 for reversible singlet and $50 for shorts. Note: This is subject to change.

Where can I try on uniforms?

Uniforms can be tried on at the Dromana Secondary College Stadium for sizing, otherwise please refer to the sizing guides on the SPBA store.

Can I choose my own playing number?

At this time new players are unable to choose their playing number. This will be automatically assigned to you when you order.

If you are an existing player, please order through the existing player option and your current number will be ordered for you.

How do I purchase a new uniform (shorts and singlet)?

Please visit this link:

Can I buy/use a second hand uniform?

We started utilising new uniforms in 2021. As a result, many older uniforms cannot be utilised.

Where the second hand uniform is in the new style (iAthletic or New Balance brands), this will normally be okay. However, please consult with your team manager and the club to ensure that we don’t double up on playing numbers.

Do you have a second hand uniform shop?

We do not have a second hand uniform shop.

However, you may utilise our Facebook group: to buy/sell uniforms if you wish to do so.

If we play another Beachcombers team, who wears green?

The team named first on the fixture wears green. This is a SPBA rule.


Do I need to pay a fee to be a coach?

No fee is required by the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association for you to be a coach. However, you will be required to register on PlayHQ as the coach each season.

Is a coaching accreditation required?

At present there is no compulsory accreditation, however as a club we encourage all coaches to enrol in the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association Community Accreditation Course. Please contact the club for more information.

Do I need a Working with Children's Check?

Yes you will require a Working with Children’s Check. Without this check you will not be able to coach and your team will not be able to play. Please ensure that this remains valid at all times.

Do I need experience coaching?

Not necessarily, however it is definitely helpful. There are many helpful resources available on our website, on Youtube and on the Internet in general. When starting out focus on the basics – defense, shooting, passing, dribbling and rebounding.

We also encourage you to enroll in the SPBA coaching accreditation course.

Do you have a coaching resources webpage?

Yes. The page can be found here:

How should I run substitutions?

As a club we wish to see all teams rotate players so that they receive a fair share of playing time.

Please refer to our coaches page on this website for a substitution spreadsheet that may assist you to keep track of your subs.

Can I play a zone defence in junior domestic competition?

No. It is against domestic competition rules to run a zone defense. You are required to run a ‘man on man’ defense at all times.

Note: The ‘Mercy Rule’ may be required at times and teams should drop back to the three point line and spread out.

Do I need to do weekly practice?

You will be required to run practice with your team each week.

We understand that there may be some weeks where life gets in the way and that training will need to be cancelled, or someone else may need to step in. We will leave this at the discretion of each team.

Is there a Facebook group I can join to talk to other Beachcombers coaches?

The club has a Coach & Team Manager Page on Facebook:

If I am away, who coaches the team?

Generally another parent from the team will need to step in to coach for the week – you should organise this as a team. The SPBA require that all coaches (even fill ins) have a working with children’s check.

As a club we have implemented a “Third Person” within each team that can step in for coaches and team managers.

As a coach, who should I contact with my questions?

We request that parents, team managers and coaches follow the this communication structure with the club and the SPBA.

Step by step:

Step 1: Player/Parent should first contact team manager or coach.
Step 2: Team Manager/Coach should contact club committee in first instance (not the SBPA).
Step 3: Club Committee will contact Southern Peninsula Basketball Association (SPBA).

Are there modified rules that I should be aware of?

Matches are conducted under the official basketball rules as prescribed by FIBA, except as modified by by-laws. Please read the modified rules in the SPBA bylaws (available from SPBA website).

Team Manager

How do I notify a forfeit?

From Sunday through to Thursday, please contact the club and we will notify the SBPA. If it is a late forfeit (e.g. Friday or Saturday) then please contact the SPBA directly via phone.

Please note a late notification on a Saturday may result in an additional fee.

Do I need to pay a fee to be a team manager?

No fee is required by the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association for you to be a team manager. However, you will be required to register on PlayHQ as the team manager each season.

Do I need a Working with Children's Check?

Yes you will require a Working with Children’s Check. Without this check you will not be able to be a team manager and your team will not be able to play. Please ensure that this remains valid at all times.

How should I collect game fees?

This is at your discretion. You may choose to:

  • Each player brings a certain amount of cash each week.
  • Everyone pays enough to cover a full team game fees at the start of the season to cover the same number of games as there is players, before paying the same amount again. This could be to the team manager or into a bank account opened specifically for the teams games money. Team Manager would be required to track this themselves.
  • Use Team Play.
  • Organising the score roster to coincide with payments. I.e. It is x players families turn to score so they cover the games money that week.
Who will score the games?

A volunteer is required each week from each team to score for the game. We encourage team mangers to start a roster so that this is shared evenly among families. The scorer must be aged 14 years of age or older.

Who do I contact if there is an issue?

From time-to-time issues may arise that may cause anger or concern. It is important that these issues are raised and dealt with at the earliest possible stage. It is important that everyone acts in a manner that is respectful in order to have sensible and productive resolution of disagreements.

If issues are unable to be resolved, you may wish to escalate this to the club. Please email

Is there a Facebook group I can join to talk to other Beachcombers team managers?

The club has a private Coach Team Manager Page on Facebook:

If I am away, who acts as team manager?

When you are not available to attend a game, or you are going away, it is important that your team manager duties are delegated. When delegating your tasks, please make sure that you inform the person what their responsibilities are while you are unavailable.

As a club we have recently implemented a ‘Third Person” who is compliance checked who will be able to step in when required.

As a team manager, who should I contact with questions?

We request that parents, team managers and coaches follow the this communication structure with the club and the SPBA. This is at the request of the SPBA.

Step by step:

Step 1: Player/Parent should first contact team manager or coach.
Step 2: Team Manager/Coach should contact club committee in first instance (not the SBPA).
Step 3: Club Committee will contact Southern Peninsula Basketball Association (SPBA).

Age Groups

What are the current age groups?

Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14, Under 16, Under 18, Under 21, Men & Women’s.

Who sets the age groups?

Basketball age groups with the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association align with the Victoria Junior Basketball League (VJBL) age groups.

At what dates are the age groups set?


Winter: Players must be under the age of their division as of the 31st of December in that year.

Summer: Players must be under the age of their division as of the 31st of December the following year.

Do you have an age group rollover table?

Does this mean my child will play against older children?

Sometimes this will occur. In the first year that a team moves up an age group, they will generally be the youngest of the cohort in that age group.

My child is younger than the rest of the team, what happens then?

As a club we have found that kids will want to play with the kids in their school year level, and that year levels may have kids who are slightly younger (i.e. born early the following year than the majority of their team mates). These children will move age groups with their peers.

My team has gone up an age group and are now losing more. Why?

This can often occur when a team goes up an age group. This is usually due to playing against more experienced and older teams. Your team will remain in this age group for a number of seasons, and will eventually become one of the more experienced and older teams.

Can my child play in more than one team per age group?

Players may play in more than one team in an age group under strict conditions. Please contact the club before playing in another team in the same age group, so that we can explain the conditions.

Team Grading

How does grading work?

Teams are graded according to skill level. The ambition is to place teams in a division that is suitable for their skill level.

When are teams graded?

Grading is conducted in two stages:

Grading Phase 1: Rounds 1-3 – During this phase, changes to team division may occur.

Grading Phase 2: Rounds 4-5 – Divisions are finalised, but minor adjustments may still occur.

After the first phase of grading, Club Delegates will meet to provide feedback on team divisions. The Association will distribute the proposed divisions at least 24 hours before this meeting. The Association has the final authority on all division placements.

Who does the initial grading?

The club completes the initial grading before the season based on SPBA Grading Guidelines, which clubs have been provided with.
Winter grading is generally based on ladder position in the previous season. The top two teams (prior to finals) generally will go up automatically, and the bottom will go down automatically (as per SPBA guidelines).
In summer, most teams will automatically be moved up a division (except when going up an age group, where teams will usually be moved down a division).

Can we provide feedback to the club to pass on to the basketball association?

Yes. We generally request feedback from coaches and team managers during the grading period.

Note: This does not mean that your requests will complied with. However, we can pass on the feedback to the SPBA for discussion. We also meet with the SPBA for a grading meeting each season.

Our team has been graded, but we can't compete. What are the options?

The ambition is to avoid this situation. However, this may occur for several reason. For example, the team is already in the lowest available division for their age group, the team played well during grading but subsequently is unable to maintain the same level, or some of the teams that they played during grading have been moved into another division.

It is important to understand that there will always be circumstances where teams are caught in between being too good for one division, but not quite good enough for another. Unfortunately after grading has been completed the team must remain in their assigned division under most circumstances.

Does the club have the final say on grading?

We meet with the SPBA for a grading meeting each season and we maintain contact throughout this period. SPBA are open to feedback during this period.

We do not have the final say on where the teams are placed.

Can the SPBA re-grade a team during the season?

Generally speaking teams will not be regraded after the grading period.

However, the Association reserves the right to re-grade a team at any point during the regular season. In most circumstances regrading will be declined due to the impact it has on the rest of the division.

Fill In Players

What is a fill in player?

A player is deemed a ‘fill in’ if they are not registered with the team, they fill in for.

When can a team use a fill in player?

Teams may use fill in players to bring the team up to a maximum of 6 players.

Note: This rule changed Summer 2024. You can no longer have fill ins for more than 6 players.

Can a player fill in for a team in the same division as their regular team?


What is the maximum number of fill in games a player can play?

A player may only fill-in:

  • Registered to another SPBA team: Up to twice per season per team.
  • Not registered in another SPBA team: Up to twice per calendar year total with any team within the entire Southern Peninsula Basketball Association.

Note: This rule changed in Summer 2024.

Do fill in games count towards finals eligibility?


Can a fill in play up an age group?


Can a fill in play for a team in the same age group?


However, fill-in players must come from a lower division than their highest level regular domestic team. In junior competitions, a lower age level is also considered a lower division.

How do I organise a fill in?

You may do this yourself.

Alternatively, please utilise the Team Managers and Coaches Facebook Page and/or contact the club.

Does the 'Rep Rule' apply for fill ins?


All player eligibility rules apply to fill in players (e.g. representative player rule).

Please see the Rep Points Rules FAQ for more information.

Can the SPBA overturn results due to inappropriate fill ins?


The Association reserves the right to overturn a result of a game if a fill in player is determined to have unfairly affected the result of the game.


How many games need to be played to be eligible for finals?

To qualify to play in the final series, a player must play 50% of the total games as a registered player for that team (e.g., 50% of 14 games = 7 games).
Where there have been byes, the SPBA may provide an exemption at their discretion.

Exemptions may also be provided when there has been an injury or illness (at the discretion of the SPBA).
Please contact us to discuss applying for an exemption where required.

Do different "time rules" apply for grand finals?

As per the SPBA bylaws published in August 2024 (commencing Summer season), the following rules apply:

  • 2 x 20-minute halves
  • The game clock will start when the ball is in play for both halves.
  • The game clock shall stop for all timeouts and all whistles in the last 2 minutes of the game regardless of score.

Rep Points Rules

Why has a rep points rule been introduced?

The Representative Point Rule ensures fairness and competitiveness in the SPBA Community Domestic Junior Competition. It aims to maintain a balanced playing field, considering the competition as a whole as the priority.
It ensures social interaction and enjoyment while preventing any team from gaining an unfair advantage through an overabundance of representative players.

What age groups does the rep rule apply to?

The representative rule is in effect for U14 competitions and younger. It does not apply to U16 and above.

What if I play rep basketball for another association?

Representative players from another association will be allocated points by the Association based on their teams’ grading in the VJBL structure. Please let the club know if this applies to you.

When do new rep players need to be included in the rep points calculations?

A player who was successful in gaining a position in a Representative program who is not a past representative player at the start of the Summer Season will not be classed as a Representative player for the summer season only.

Will the club help monitor this for us?

At the start of each season the SPBA will provide us with a list of players who play rep and their points allocation.

This information will be put into PlayHQ so that this information can be calculated.

However, to avoid any issues, please contact the club if you have multiple rep players in your team.

What should I do when adding new players to your team?

Ask them if they are a rep player, and what rep team they play in.

If you already have rep players, this may mean you are unable to recruit a new player that is a rep player.
Please contact the club to discuss.

What about senior basketball?

Any player who is currently playing or has played in a Senior Representative Competition (CBL, Big V or higher) within the past twelve months cannot play below Division 2.


How are ladder points allocated?
  • Win: 3 points
  • Draw: 2 points
  • Loss: 1 point
  • Disqualified Win: 3 points
  • Disqualified Loss: 0 points
  • Forfeit Win: 3 points
  • Forfeit Loss: 0 points
  • Game Abandoned: 0 points
  • Bye: 0 points
How are ladders calculated?

As of Summer Season 2024, a ‘Ladder Points Average’ system applies.

The Ladder Point Average, is calculated as follows:

  • The total ladder points divided by total games played.
When do ladder points commence each season?

Ladder points count from round 4 onward.

What happens if two or more teams finish the regular season with the same Points Average?

If two or more teams finish the regular season with the same Points Average, placings are determined by:

  1. Percentage
  2. Points for
  3. Points against
Do abandoned/cancelled or bye games attract ladder points?

Generally, no.

Abandoned games, cancelled games, and byes do not count as games played and do not attract ladder points.

This is because the points average calculation includes the number of games played.

How is a winner decided in an abandoned game?

If a game is abandoned, it shall be treated as such unless the margin is more than 20 points.

If abandoned with a margin over 20 points, the score and result shall stand.

What happens if a team is re-graded during the season?

Where a team is regraded, points for and against from previous divisions are excluded from the ladder.

Why are ladders hidden during the initial grading period?

Ladders are hidden from rounds 1-3 for the integrity of the grading process.

Do Under 8s have a ladder or play finals?

There is no ladder or finals for U8 teams.

However, U8s will participate in games during the finals period.

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